Feb 04

Library bears brunt of wreck

Judy Smith, Deborah Kenyon and Mary Fonda survey the damage to the library’s children’s section after a car accident Monday afternoon.

Judy Smith, Deborah Kenyon and Mary Fonda survey the damage to the library children's section after a car accident Monday afternoon.

The Clay County Progress, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Throwing the book at someone has a new meaning after a single car accident sent shelves and books flying at the Moss Memorial Library.

About 4:30 p.m. law enforcement officers responded to reports that a car had crashed through the library wall on the Main Street side of the building. No one was injured, but the library will remain closed until structural repairs are completed, librarian Mary Fonda said.

Fred Ogden, 80, of Waynesville, told the North Carolina Highway Patrol trooper that his foot slipped off of the brake while he and his wife were parking. Fonda said. His foot became lodged between the brake and the gas and the car crashed through the exterior wall, buckled the interior wall and crunched the white metal shelf support.

No citations were issued.


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