Aug 07

State Shifts Planned Replacement for Fonda Bridge

Gazette Reporter – August 7, 2008

Rt 5 & Rt 30A in Fonda, NY

Fonda, NY – Despite starting design work to build to the west, the state Department of Transportation will instead build the new Route 30A bridge to the eastern side of the structure that spans the CSX railroad at Route 5 in the village.

Residents and officials were dismayed when they learned in April that DOT officials were planning to buy land and build to the west of the bridge built in 1949. DOT Region 2 design engineer Stephen Zywiak said today the change in plans, prompted by those concerns, will delay by a year the project, originally planned to start in 2010.

Zywiak said the new, three-lane bridge will provide a left-turn lane for motorists to travel west on Route 5, or Main Street.  DOT officials have said the bridge carries about 11,300 vehicles daily with 13 percent of that being large truck traffic. The DOT has to perform inspections more often on the bridge due to its deteriorating condition.


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