Aug 04

There are a few common misconceptions within the Fonda Genealogy that have arisen:


Misconception #1: The Fonda’s descended from Italy

Dutch Poldering Mills

Actual: The American Fonda line immigrated from Holland (Friesland) in 1651 and appear to be Haplogroup I1 (Anglo-Saxon). There is no direct evidence of origins in Italy, France or elsewhere.  Fonda lines in Italy and Slovenia are Haplogroup R1b (Basque).

From “Early American Families“, Rev. W.A. Williams; Philadelphia, PA; 1916:
“The Rensselaer-Bowier Papers say that Douw Fonda was a Frisian, and Tacitus says that the Frisians dwelt along the coast of the North sea. They were converted to Christianity before A.D. 800. The family of Fonda was originally from the Republic of Genoa, Italy. The Marquis de Fonda was one of the leaders of a revolution in Genoa, having for its object the overturning of the aristocratic government, and putting the election of the Doge and Senate, into the hands of the people at large. The Doge (=duke) was the duke, or chief magistrate. Our ancestor was an early republican, and must have lived there, between 1339, when the first Doge was elected, and 1528 when the Dogate ceased. Baron de Fonda was unsuccessful in his attempt, and fled from the country, taking refuge in Amsterdam, Holland, whence his descendant, Jellis Douwese Fonda, emigrated to America in 1642 (1650), and had grants of land from the Dutch government, settling in or near the present city of Albany, N. Y.”

Jellis Fonda and family made it to America in 1651 and settled in Beverwyk (Albnay, NY).

“There is a perhaps less credible tradition also, that the Fondas were Huguenots. and fled from France to Holland after the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s night, Aug. 25, 1572. There is another tradition that they fled from Spain on account of persecution or followed the Duke of Alva to Holland. It is also said that they belonged to the royal house of Spain, fled to Italy, because of religious persecution, and came later to Holland. Possibly they fled from Italy to France, and from France to Holland. The form of the family name is Latin and therefore similar in French, Italian, and Spanish, indicating the Latin origin of the family, probably In Italy. The Fondas were Dutch Reformed Protestants when they emigrated to America, and must have been among the first converts of the Reformation. Their descendants are widely scattered throughout the Union, though many are still living near the old home in Eastern N.Y.”

“The family name is taken from a deep valley in the Apennines, about 12 mi. from the city of Genoa, called Fonda, a name which means bottom, deep, foundation, etc. It is said that, in the early part of the last century, the estate was still in the possession of a branch of the family, the Count de Fonda, and there are many of the name, in the various parts of the Genoese territories.” Some of the family may have known Columbus in Genoa.”

The above is disputed in two references:

Old Dutch Families: Fonda Family (De Halve Maen Quarterly, 1945):
“The Fondas were important in up-state New York during the Colonial period and in the early development of the State. Presumably the family is of Frisian origin and one genealogist has outlined European background for the Fondas giving them a really illustrious descent. However, these stories apparently come from tradition rather than substance.

Innes Getty Collection: Jellis Douwse Fonda (NYG&B, 1957):
Rev. William A. Williams, in his Early American Families, gives a fanciful account of the European family of Fonda, but no references are cited, and one is free to accept or reject the entire story. Likewise, the data of the American family of Fonda is not authoritative for again, no references to source material are offered, and his conclusions are not in accord with church records. It follows that his material is mere balderdash.”

See Voyage to America Update, Italian Roots, Frisian DNA Profile and Innes Getty Collection


Eagum Aerial Photo

Misconception #2: Jellis Fonda (1615-1659) was the son of Douwe Everts

Actual: We do not know for sure who his parents were.  Jellis was first documented in Eagum, Friesland in about 1632, but there is no proof that he was the son of Douwe Everts.

Per the book, “Famous Frisians in America” on pages 111-112:
“According to Van der Meer, Jelle Fonda (Jilles Douwes) must have been a son of Douwe Everts. Eagum was a very small village. But that is by no means proof that he descended from Douwe Everts. The oldest register of births, deaths and marriages, the Quotisatiekohier of 1749 (a century after Jilles Douwes), says there were 47 people living in or near the village, and 19 children under the age of 13. They included five farmers and one independent woman farmer, a widow with no profession, a schoolmaster, and three working-class families. The latter category is particularly difficult to place in a historical sense, especially when it comes to the archives dating from before the French era.

The book “Famous Frisians in America” (Haan & Huisman, 2009) has an entire chapter on the Fonda family.

There is much to be said for the suggestion that Jelle Fonda came from this group. The fact that on the occasion of his marriage he is registered as a ‘journeyman smithy’ indicates that he was a craftsman, and thus did not belong to the group made up of ’tillers of the soil’. Mention is also made of the fact that his parents gave their written consent to the marriage. This means that they could read and write. As could Jelle Fonda and his wife Hester, in view of the signatures which appear at the bottom of the document.

In the period 1632-1633, eight years before he married in Diemen, the lake known as Wargastermeer was impoldered. The primary financier of this project was the Amsterdam merchant Paulus Jansz Kley (1582-1655). Obviously he required an army of diggers and other workmen, including craftsmen. It is quite possible that Jilles Douwes was one of them. Indeed, it may well have been through the mediation of Kley that Jilles moved to Amsterdam, and he may even have helped him to get a job there. He was literate and he had a trade. Moreover, he was anxious to get ahead in the world.“

In conclusion, according to this account, here is what we know… Jilles Fonda was a journeyman smithy, who hired on to a big earthworks project near Eagum in 1632-1633 (he would have been 16-17 years old)… he then moved to Amsterdam, got married in 1641 (age 25), started a family (he became an innkeeper and blacksmith)… and then took the voyage to America in 1651 (age 35) with his young family of five.  His parents have not been identified.

See Fonda DNA and History and Famous Frisians in America


The Albany Settlement in 1650

Misconception #3: Douw Jellis Fonda (1640-1700) married Rebecca Conyne

Actual: Douw Jellis Fonda (1640-1700) married Rebecca Janse.  There was a misinterpretation of a baptism sponsor listing from 1674.

Rebecca Conyne is a very common listing for the wife of Douw Jellis Fonda (1641-1700), but according to the well-respected report by Innes Getty, former Trustee and Chairman of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society, it is incorrect. His wife is listed in that report as Rebecca Jansen (1646-1727); married in 1666 in Albany.  Rebecca Conyne (nee Wemple) was the wife of Peter Conyne married in 1641.

Dutch First Reformed Church of Albany

NYG&B records of Innes Getty Collection (1957):
“In printed genealogies, other than [Williams], Douw Jellis Fonda’s wife is given as Rebecca Conyn of Leendert Philipse Conyn, but in no instance is any reference cited, nor any circumstantial evidence adduced to justify the assumption. In the list of nine children of Douw Jellis Fonda, of whom we have records, not one bears a Conyn name; Philip; Leendert; Caspar; Agniet; nor is a member of the Conyn family sponsor at any of the three baptisms recorded in the Church at Albany. Furthermore, in the list of sixty three grandchildren of Douw Jellis Fonda, not one bears a Conyn name, and in no instance is a member of the Conyn family a sponsor. Rebecca is not a Conyn name.

There is nothing of record to prove the parentage of Rebecca, wife of Douw Jellise Fonda, and the records of the Conyn family prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that she was not the daughter of Phillipse Conyn and Agneietie Caspers. The sole clue, ever so slight, is found in the Schenectady Church records. i.e.- Douw of Jellis Fonda and Rachel Winne bapt. September 1, 1700. Wit. Douw Fonda. Rebecka Janse (Rebecka, dau of Jan —?)”

The confusion could be the result of a baptism record where Douw Fonda and Rebecca Conyne were listed together as sponsors for the baptism of Benjamin Romeyn on 8/4/1774 at the Caughnawaga DRC (parents Thomas Romeyn & Susanna Van Campen). However, these two witnesses were not husband and wife, just co-sponsors. Rebecca Conyne (nee Wemple) was the wife of Peter Conyne married on 10/23/1741. Thomas Romeyn was the first pastor of the Caughnawaga DRC, where Douw Jellis Fonda (1700-1780) and his second wife, Debora (Peggy) Wemple Veeder (Fonda) as well as Peter and Rebecca (Wemple) Conyne attended. The Douw Jellis Fonda (1641-1700) who has been attributed to have married Rebecca Conyne was the grandfather. However, his wife’s name was Rebecca Janse as established in the Innes Getty Collection.”

Ref: Innes Getty Collection: Jellis Douwse Fonda; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; New York, NY; 1957.



written by admin \\ tags: , , , ,

Jun 17

Photo album from family of Hamilton Giles Fonda of DuQuoin, IL:

Album Cover - 4" x 6" - 26 pages - purple velour with gold trim

Enclosed letter from Charles to family from Camp Reynolds, Angel Island, CA written in 1867

Hamilton Giles Fonda and Elizabeth Steele

Wesley H. Fonda and Florence Donnell

Frank and Charles Fonda

prob. Charles A. Fonda

Wesley H. Fonda

Frank L. Fonda

prob. Julia C. Fonda

Hamilton Fonda?

Elizabeth Steele Fonda?

Photo (scan) credit Jon Yinger (album owner). The photographer is Mangolds, Mangold and Cochran and City Gallery of DuQuoin and R.F. Adams of St. Louis, MO.  The current album owner is interested in finding any family descendants.


written by admin \\ tags: , , ,

Jun 17

The Fonda Family of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Obituary from Chattanooga Times, 10 Jun 1922 – Jeremiah D. Fonda, 89, died yesterday morning at 8:10 o’clock at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Sue Fonda Scholze, at 1017 St. Elmo Ave, St. Elmo. Mr. Fonda leaves two daughters, Mrs. Sue Fonda Scholze, and Mrs. Lottie I. Boyce, both of Chattanooga, and one son, Henry J. FondaMrs. Vernie Spencer, of Chattanooga, and Leonard T. Boyce, of Macon GA and other grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.  Mr. Fonda was born in Fonda, NY (correction: Beakmontown, NY), but moved with his parents to Burlington, VT in his boyhood days, and spent his young manhood there. He was of a hardy, rugged disposition, and in the early fifties went to the Cripple Creek gold mining regions, where he spent two years.  About the year 1875, Mr. Fonda, together with his family, moved to Chattanooga and entered the contracting and building business, which he followed up to the time his strength failed, and was well known to the contractors and builders of the early days of the city.  Mr. Fonda was a loving husband and father, a splendid citizen, and won the love and respect of a large circle of friends.  Funeral services will be held at the funeral parlors of the Jack O’Donohue company, Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock, Dr. J. W. Bachman officiating.  The following are requested to act as pallbearers: Ernest Spencer, Herbert Spencer, Rov Blevins, Richard Fry, David Jones, and Edward Birdsell. (Note – Sandra Stuart wrote, on 3/3/2010: I will attach a copy of Jeremiah D’s obit. There are some questionable items in it. I think the family had moved to Chattanooga by 1873, instead of 1876, because the youngest child is listed in the 1880 census as being born in 1873 in TN. Also the Cripple Creek gold rush didn’t happen until the 1890s! Perhaps fifties is a typo. I find it strange that Charlotte is not mentioned but, since she died in 1888, I guess not many people would have remembered her.)

Henry J. Fonda - Chattanooga, TN - 1888

Family of Henry J. Fonda - Chattanooga, TN - 1897

The pictures: The single of Henry J. was around the time of his marriage to Suzie Mae, 1888. The one of all the Fondas is 1897, or early 1898. Maude is the baby being held by Suzie Mae in front. Ruth is on her left and Henry is on the edge two rows back. So many women in this family! I wish I knew who the others are. (Sandra Stuart)


written by admin \\ tags: , , ,

Jan 01

Greetings to fellow Fonda Family members who are exploring their lineage… and to others who are doing genealogy research, or are just browsing for information. The Fonda Family in America has a rich heritage and there are many fascinating stories of perseverance, integrity and achievement… a truly great American legacy which is still unfolding. I hope you will find this report useful and that this database continues to grow.

There are currently over 4000 Fondas in the Main Family Line (6000 including spouses) over a 400-year time span. There are another 1500 Fondas identified, but not yet placed (Strays, for the lack of a better term).  As of 2005, there are approximately 900 households world-wide with Fonda surnames listed… about 500 in America, 200 in Italy, followed distantly by France, Slovenia and Canada.  The majority of the American line is descendant from Jellis Douw Fonda (1614-1659) who migrated from Holland to American in about 1650.  The link back to Italy is still uncertain.

This project is limited to just the Fonda surname (and its spelling variants), which includes only those born with the Fonda surname and their spouses. This means that wive’s parents and daughter’s children are not included. There are separate sections broken out for Allied Early Families (nearly 400 ancestors of pre-1800 marriages) and Other European Immigrants (over 600 Fonda immigrants not in the main family line). There are also about 70 Black Fondas in the Strays section, with some links back to their likely slave owners prior to the Civil War. There is good evidence of at least four family lines of former slaves who retained the Fonda family name.

Recent additions include:
– many new immigration and ship passenger records
– expanded entries from global listings, except Italy and Slovenia
– all available court, land and probate records
– all available Canadian Phone & Address listings
– all available info from
– correspondence with dozens of distant cousins

Future work will concentrate on:
– more research into historical newspapers
– more research into Italian/Slovenian roots and current branches
– more research into current Rest-of-World branches
– include available info from and other social networking sites
– seeking gravestone photos and pre-1950 family photos

I have enjoyed putting this project together, and I was gratified to find so much information… thanks to some excellent previous work, collaboration with other researchers, some great library resources and the ever-expanding Internet mass of information. Please feel free to send me an e-mail with comments or questions… this is a living document and is never totally complete.

I am currently working on more recent generations based on public records and feedback from our many Fonda cousins who have found the website or database. The Rootsweb on-line database does not display people born after 1930, but the GNO, GED and PDF files linked above all have everything included. Although this is all public information, please respect other people’s privacy. The message boards on and are good places to make inquiries. The latest update of the database files are posted at and Please send any inquiries or comments to webmaster(at)

Albert (Mark) Fonda


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